Beverage Knowledge

7 Fruits You Should Think Twice Before Juicing

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Fruit juices have become a staple in many people’s diets, offering a convenient way to consume essential vitamins and minerals while tantalizing the taste buds. However, not all fruits are ideal candidates for the juicing process. Some fruits present challenges due to their texture, flavor, or the effort required to extract juice from them. In this article, we will explore seven fruits that are not commonly juiced and discuss the reasons why they may not be the best choice for your juicing endeavors.

Fruits you can't juice

Fruits you can’t juice


Can you juice bananas? No, you can’t juice a banana. 

Bananas are a beloved tropical fruit known for their natural sweetness and creamy texture. While they are a fantastic addition to smoothies, they are not typically used for juicing. The main reason is their thickness and the fact that they don’t produce a substantial amount of liquid when juiced. Bananas are better suited for blending into smoothies, where their creaminess can add a delightful thickness to your beverage. 

banana juice

You can’t juice a banana. Let’s enjoy banana smoothie

Also as Plantains, this fruit are starchy, banana-like fruits that are typically cooked or fried before consumption. They are not commonly juiced due to their starchy nature and the fact that they are more often used in savory dishes. Plantains can be a tasty addition to your meals, but they are not a go-to choice for juicing.


Can you juice Avocado? No, you can’t juice an avocado. 

Another creamy fruit, the avocado, is rarely juiced. Avocado’s texture and flavor are better suited for savory dishes, salads, or spreading on toast. Juicing avocados can be a challenging task due to their high fat content and creamy consistency. It’s best to enjoy avocados in their more traditional culinary applications.


Can you juice Kiwifruit? Yes, but you shouldn’t.

Kiwifruit, with its vibrant green flesh and tiny black seeds, might not be your first choice for juicing. The seeds can add bitterness to the juice, and the fruit’s texture can be challenging for some juicers to process effectively. While it’s possible to juice kiwifruit, it’s not as common as other fruits like oranges or apples.


Can you juice Papaya? Yes, but you shouldn’t.

Papaya is a tropical fruit known for its sweet, orange flesh and unique flavor. While it can be juiced, it’s not as popular as fruits like pineapple or watermelon. The texture and flavor of papaya can be somewhat polarizing, and some may prefer to eat it fresh or incorporate it into fruit salads.


Can you juice Lychee? Yes, but you shouldn’t.

Lychee is a tropical fruit with a sweet and floral flavor. However, it is not typically juiced due to the small amount of flesh surrounding a large seed. Extracting juice from lychee can be labor-intensive and may not yield a significant quantity of juice.

lychee juice

People usually don’t make their own lychee juice


Can you juice Figs? Yes, but you shouldn’t.

Figs are sweet, soft fruits with a unique, slightly grainy texture. While they can be eaten fresh or dried and are commonly used in various recipes, they are not commonly juiced. The high sugar content and the need to remove the tough stem make figs less suitable for juicing. Instead, enjoy fresh figs as a snack or incorporate them into your favorite dishes.


Can you juice Blueberries? Yes, but you shouldn’t.

Blueberries are small, sweet, and packed with antioxidants, making them a popular choice for various recipes. However, they are not commonly juiced on their own due to their size and the fact that they do not yield much juice. Blueberries are better enjoyed in smoothies, yogurt, or as a topping for cereals.


While the world of fruit juices offers a wide array of flavors and nutritional benefits, not all fruits are well-suited for juicing. Above are some examples of fruits you can’t juice or not commonly juiced due to their texture, flavor, or the effort required to juice them.

Nawon wholesale fruit juice

Nawon wholesale fruit juice

However, there is another way to enjoy juice from the above fruits: you can choose ready-to-drink juice products. They are produced using modern technology by beverage manufacturing brands. Like Nawon Food and Beverage Supplier & Manufacturer, take a look at Nawon wholesale fruit juice.

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