Orange juice is one of the richest sources of vitamin C, which is an anti-oxidant and detoxifying agent that destroys or neutralizes the free radicals in our body, thus boosting our immune system. One of the main functions of anti-oxidants is to prevent cancer and maintain the blood sugar levels, which in turns manages cholesterol level and improve cardiovascular health. It also improves our blood circulation and prevents kidney stones
Orange juice
Orange juice as the name suggests is the extract of the widely eaten citric fruit, oranges. It is regarded as one of the healthiest beverages because of its infinite health benefits. Citrus sinensis commonly known as oranges is the most consumed citric fruit. There are different varities of oranges from blood oranges to mandarin and even bitter, but the most commonly eaten is the sweet orange. It may vary in size from 2 inches to 4 inches in diameter.
Nutritional value of orange juice
Orange juice is widely accepted as the richest source of vitamin C with 93% in one medium sized orange ( 130 grams ) approx. However its nutritive value is not limited to vitamin C only, it is also very rich in fibre, vitamin A , folate, thiamine, potassium. Other important nutrition present are protein, copper, magnesium, flavonoids and hesperedin.
Boost immune system
Vitamin C also known as the ascorbic acid is an anti-oxidant that destroys and neutralizes free radicals before damaging our body and provide boost to immunity against diseases. Furthermore, vitamin C is one of the fundamental components of collagen that repairs cells and help in the growth of new tissues.
Source of fiber
Yes, its absolutely true. People generally think of orange juice as a source of vitamin C only but it also has high content of fiber. Fiber is very useful in bowel regularity and keeping the cholesterol level in check. Fiber also helps in improving the digestive system. One glass of orange juice contains 50% to 60% of the daily recommended fiber intake.